Seasons & Vacations is in a position to offer the following quality services at a specially negotiated rate:
Raising of Exhibition StallsSeasons & Vacations in consultation with the organising committee will finalise plans for layout of the exhibition area and on the number of stalls to be raised. A detailed layout plan indicating the number for each stall will be prepared to facilitate the booking process. Reliable suppliers will be contacted and after receiving approval from the organising committee the suppliers will be finalised for raising exhibition stalls furniture and fixtures, lighting, electric points etc.
Arrangement of Signage & DecorationsPresentation is a key area while displaying any product/service. Seasons & Vacations can take complete responsibility of the decorations of the Exhibition venue, indoor as well as outdoor, including Flower arrangements.
Signage for directing the visitors to their destination stall or for promoting a stall would be made available through Seasons & Vacations.
Visitor ListsVisitor demographics will be available as a powerful post-show marketing opportunity for exhibitors to follow up on their success.
Information CountersInformation Counter would be a One stop for Registration, Lost & found, Information about the venue, and also of the exhibitors.
Audio-Visual EquipmentAs per the requirements of the exhibitor, state of art audio- visual equipment can be provided by Seasons & Vacations. Also, an arrangement for announcements and light music can be done.
On-site PromotionIlluminated super sites, Billboards, Lamp post tri-signs etc. would be arranged by Seasons & Vacations for visual branding for reaching to the visitors. Static sky-high balloon, Electronic product locators etc. can be arranged for on request.
Exhibition BrochureDesigning, Printing and mailing of the brochures to prospective exhibitors shall be undertaken by Seasons & Vacations, to assist the Organizing Committee in selling stalls.
Security24-hour security arrangements shall be made to ensure safety of the exhibitor’s stalls and materials during the entire duration of the exhibition.
Licenses and PermissionsLicenses for organising the exhibition from the Fire Authority, Police Authority and Municipal Authorities shall be taken by Seasons & Vacations.
Photography & Video CoverageProfessional photographers shall be engaged for the coverage of the exhibition through the video coverage and still photography. The photographs can be ordered through the Information Desk.
Hostesses and UshersCompetent candidates, fluent in English & Hindi shall be engaged for manning the counters and on-site management.
On-site CommunicationUshers and Hostesses shall be equipped with Walkie-Talkie / Mobile sets for on-site communication.