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Congress Secretariat

Once A.T. Seasons & Vacations is awarded the contract as an official Conference, Exhibition and Travel manager for your conference. Seasons & Vacations will depute one of its staffs on full time to look after the conference secretariat work as per the instructions of the organising secretary.


Seasons & Vacations will provide dedicated conference software, which will provide to date and consolidated information on all conference development work during the preparatory stage. This package would allow access to the following information:

  • Delegate’s details.
  • Delegate’s city and state wise details.
  • Delegate’s registration details with code numbers in alphabetic order.
  • Accompanying person’s details.
  • Arrival and departure details for each delegate.
  • Hotel in which each delegates is staying.
  • Registration Fee details.
  • Total abstracts details.
  • Theme and sub-theme wise abstracts details.
  • Speaker details for each session.
  • Pre and post conference tour details.
  • Bank deposit and expenditure details.

All other direct expenses such as a provision of computer and printer with requisite software, stationery, utilities, fax, postage, furniture and fixtures, telephone etc. will be provided by the organising committee.


National Promotion

In order to promote the Conference nationally, Seasons & Vacations would promote the conference through its own website and to all its conference related database through the Internet.


Preparation of Conference Brochures

Seasons & Vacations will assist the organising committee in designing, printing and mailing of the conference brochures.


Registration Pre-conference Registration

Seasons & Vacations in close liaison with the organising secretary will carry out all registration activities. The Secretariat will process and record all registration through the software provided by Seasons & Vacations and will prepare the list of delegates on a day-to-day basis. The Secretariat will send a confirmation to all individual delegates from whom payments is received. The Secretariat will also communicate with the delegates regarding any changes, special requirements and other matters concerning the congress.


On-site Registration

Registration desks shall be set up a day prior to the opening of the Congress staffed by multilingual hostesses during the entire duration of the Congress. The desk shall be equipped with computers and operators.


Congress Venue Management

Signage’s and direction indication signs will be planned and placed at all critical points to facilitate smooth movement of the delegates.


Setting up of the Congress Venue

Seasons & Vacations will assist in assessing the requirements for the Congress venue as per the guidelines laid down by the Organising Committee.

A careful study of all the requirements for each plenary/parallel/technical session, symposium will be made to identify special requirements at each venue.

Seasons & Vacations will also make sure the following:

  • The meeting rooms are tastefully decorated.
  • The guest speaker’s table is decorated with fresh flowers every day.
  • The congress logo is displayed on the backdrop and at the lectern.
  • Space is reserved for non-smoking delegates in the first few rows.
  • Space is reserved for media persons, special invitees and VIPs.


Abstract Management

Seasons & Vacations will assist the organising committee in compiling and categorising the abstracts according to different themes and sub-themes.


Set up of Audio Visual Equipment

Audio-visual facilities play an important role in the presentation during the Conference. Seasons & Vacations will ensure all the audio-visual equipment for the conference are at par with the international standards. To ensure this, reliable suppliers for audio-visual equipment would be selected.

Seasons & Vacations will ensure that all equipment required at each session are in place well before each session starts. For this purpose, an operation plan will be drawn individually for each session/hall. The hostesses in charge of the halls will ensure the proper functioning of all equipment.


Set up of Office Space at the Congress Venue

Seasons & Vacations will assist the Organising committee in setting up a temporary office for office bearers of the conference organising committee with appropriate facilities. There will be arrangements for safe keeping all kit bags and other stationary for the congress.



Seasons & Vacations will assist the Organising committee in selecting hostesses for the Conference to work at the venue. Hostesses shall be briefed about their specific role during the conference and would be allotted specific workstations. The hostesses shall be equipped to handle enquiries on aspects related to the conference.



Considering the vastness of the venue, large amount of signage’s and welcome banners will be put up at the venue. The locations would be identified by Seasons & Vacations for placing of these signages.


Information Desk Facilities

Seasons & Vacations will set up information desks for the quick dissemination of conference information, spouses programme and excursions.


Press Conferences

Seasons & Vacations will assist the organising committee in organising special press conferences for publicity of the congress. It is customary to have one before and one during the Congress.


Preview Room

A preview room with all latest audio-visual equipment and manpower will be set up at the venue to enable the delegates to trial run their presentations.


Catering at the Venue

Catering is one of the most critical areas of any conference and is to be provided to all delegates during the days of the conference including pre paid lunches for accompanying persons who decide to purchase lunch on spot.

Seasons & Vacations would help in selection of quality caterers who would provide these services hygienically and of high standards at specially negotiated rates.



Telephone lines shall be set up on a dedicated basis as per the exigencies and requirement of work as per the advice of the organising committee. Walkie-talkies will be used for easy communication and delegates facilitation and for speedy communication.


Reception of VIPs at the Congress Venue

Special arrangements and welcome for VIPs, high dignitaries, speakers, special invites can be arranged at the venue for the inauguration and any other function during the congress.


Seating Arrangement

An appropriate seating plan arrangement for VIPs, guest speakers, Press with proper signage’s for reserving the seats will be made as per the direction of the organising committee.

Usherettes familiar with the seating arrangement will be on site for receiving the dignitaries, delegates and Press.


Conference Bags

Seasons & Vacations will undertake the responsibility of preparing conference bags after receiving approval from the Organising committee. The conference bags will be filled in with all materials such as day’s program, writing pad, pencils, souvenir, transport movement plan, city map.


Photography and Video Coverage

A professional photographer will be available throughout the congress to provide an historic record of all functions like the Opening Ceremony, the working sessions and social functions. These photos / cassettes will be available for purchase at a counter near the Information Booth.


Social Events / Inaugural Function

India is well known for its hospitality. Seasons & Vacations would organise unique theme programme including Indian music and dance in consultation with the organizing committee. Sitar Recitals, Choir singing etc. can be organized as per the requirement and the mood of the program.


Gala Welcome Dinner

Seasons & Vacations will assist the organising committee in organising a gala spectacular welcome dinner, which can be transformed into a ‘special theme’ for that evening. The entire decor will be made as per the selected theme.

Seasons & Vacations will provide the following for inputs for special events and will co-ordinate the same.

  • Select themes for the Congress social functions.
  • Arrange cultural programmes and theme events during the Congress.
  • Selecting and finalising the themes for gala dinner.
  • Managing Cultural programme.
  • Creating theme Parties and arranging unique social function.
  • Obtaining permission from the traffic police for adequate parking space.
  • Managing and setting up of innovative programme for accompanying persons. 